Notting Hill Carnival Returns After 2 Years Of Cancellations

As a Jamaican-founded company, Notting Hill Carnival epitomises everything we stand for here at Island Delight – culture, unity, and diversity. These are three important factors that we proudly represent. With this in mind, when there’s an opportunity to spread our message and showcase the Jamaican delight that is the tasty pattie, you can guarantee we’ll try our best to do so. Carnival is something that is very close to our hearts. Therefore, we consider it an honour to attend the events such as this and deliver the Caribbean flavours to fellow attendees.

The History Behind Notting Hill Carnival

People know the Notting Hill Carnival as one of the world’s largest outdoor events, celebrated worldwide for its energy. Moreover, it has been running for over 60 years and is arguably a cornerstone of festival culture in the UK. Celebrating Caribbean heritage, arts, and culture, attendees immerse themselves in music, food and dancing. So, where did it come from?

Notting Hill Carnival Origins

After a series of racially motivated attacks on people from the West Indies living in Notting Hall, Claudia Jones a Trinidadian human rights activist, decided she wanted to find a way to unify the community. She organised a special gathering which was broadcast on the BBC and labelled as the “Caribbean Carnival”.

These cultural celebrations became bigger and better every year, focusing on lots of colours and positive energy to represent a bright future ahead. What started out as a gathering of a hundred people has now become a world-famous street festival. It brings together around two million people every year to celebrate cultural unity.

Related: The Jamaican Pattie – From The Caribbean To The UK With Island Delight

Long Standing Carnival Goers

Here at Island Delight, we are incredibly passionate about encouraging more people to experience Jamaican culture through our patties. With the pattie being one of Jamaica’s core staple foods, the tasty pastry treat is inevitably a popular culinary delight at Carnival celebrations. In fact, Cleo (Island Delight Director) has been part of the pattie distribution team during the Carnival period for over three decades. As a baby she’d accompany her father Wade Lyn (Island Delight founder and Director) to Notting Hill Carnival where he’d be delivering patties.

Here and Now

Fast forward thirty years and Cleo and the Island Delight team are still working hard to maintain Island Delight’s presence at the world-famous Carnival. The Carnival’s energy truly aligns with the spirit of the Caribbean Island. So, Island Delight is always delighted to take part in the celebrations each year.

Welcome Back Notting Hill Carnival

With the Carnival fully celebrating Jamaican culture, our products fit right in. Island Delight Jamaican food is a must-try any day of the week, but especially if you’re attending the Carnival! After two years of being cancelled due to COVID-19, we can’t wait to parade Notting Hill Carnival and immerse ourselves in Caribbean culture. If you’re attending this year, be sure to look out for Island Delight patties to get a true taste of Jamaica, you won’t regret it!

For more information about Island Delight Jamaican patties, head to our website today. Otherwise, call 0121 551 2772 to speak to a member of our team.

If you have found this blog helpful, you may wish to read our previous blog: Jamaica Independence Interview with Wade Lyn

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