Black History Month | Interviewing Key Figures Part 2: Cleo Lyn

In our last blog in honour of Black History Month in the UK you read from one of Island Delights Directors Wade Lyn about their perspectives and reflection on this critical time of year. Following on Wade Lyn’s interview, we also spoke to Cleo Lyn. Therefore, insight from two generations was gained by interviewing these important people from Island Delight.

Cleo Lyn, Director Of Island Delight:

What Does Black History Month Mean To You?

It shows me the history of what has happened over the years, that has led to today. It educates me on the struggles that I was never aware of growing up because my parents taught to be better in this world.

What Purpose Do You Think Black History Month Serves?

I link to think it is a reminder to people of the struggles, but also tells us that there is still a lot to do.

How Do You Feel Black History Month Has Shone Light On The Contributions And Success Of Black People?

It has been highlighted to both my generation and younger generation. Children in schools are learning about the struggles of black people that they never knew about before. It has changed some things and highlighted it more to people.

Do You Think Discrimination Still Happens Now?

Yes, discrimination does still happen, but I don’t think it is towards just the black community. It is other ethnic minorities to other ethnic minorities. Discrimination isn’t also just happening on the race front, it happens against gender, disability, age & sexuality.

How Do You Feel Things Have Progressed In Respect For Black History Month?

I think it has come a long way in the last 5 years with everything that has gone on around race. We are starting to see why it is important, but what more we need to do more of.

How Does Black History Month Help Us Move Forward?

As I said above it helps us realise the struggles that black people have gone through. It is being added to the curriculum so children of all races can learn about it too.

What More Do You Feel Needs To Be Done?

Much more depending on where you are in the world. There is still injustice in many countries, but also here in the UK.

How Do You Feel Island Delight Embodies Values Which Support Black History Month?

We embody the Black history month with the history that my father has done by creating this business. He did it in a recession and at a time where it was difficult for black people to start a business. Hard work, determination, belief that we can do more and quality. All things that we embody.

What Role Do You Feel You Have In Driving Your Business To Showcase Black-Owned Businesses Can Be Successful?

My father showed that a black-owned business can be successful back then. Now I think the role is bigger in small businesses helping small businesses. Or powerful strong women starting and leading a business.

How Do You Support The Younger Generations?

By providing opportunities to learn from others so they don’t make the same mistakes.

What Do You Think Your Role Is Now In Relation To Black History Month?

It is just to keep educating myself and other people around me. I still don’t know everything about my community and people want to learn. In order for it to get better people should be open to learn about the black community and other communities to understand them better.

Interview concludes.

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