High Sheriff of the West Midlands

Wade Lyn, Founder and Managing Director of Island Delight, becomes the first High Sheriff of African-Caribbean heritage in the West Midlands. The High Sheriff role involves representing the Crown, welcoming Royals, supporting law-and-order sectors, and attending numerous ceremonial events. Stay updated on the High Sheriff’s activities.


Island Delight founder, Wade Lyn, appointed High Sheriff of the West Midlands

Wade Lyn

Here at Island Delight we’re proud to announce that our Founder and Managing Director is the current High Sheriff of the West Midlands! Mr Wade Lyn CD DL CBE is the first High Sheriff of African-Caribbean heritage in the West Midlands!

What is a High Sheriff?

In England & Wales a High Sheriff represents the Crown in their local district. This is the longest running secular office Job and has existed for over a millennium. Selection of a High Sheriff dates back to Queen Elizabeth the First’s reign (1558-1603). The story surrounding the ‘Royal Pricking Ceremony’ is as follows: officials selected three names for the position of High Sheriff and presented them to the Queen. The Queen was busy sewing and no-one had bothered to bring a quill and ink so the Queen simply pricked the parchment paper with her bodkin (a blunt sewing needle), next to the name of the person she selected as the next High Sheriff. The pricking ceremony continues to this day.

The role of High Sheriff wasn’t always a desirable role though, as you were responsible for collecting the taxes owed to the crown. If any of the figures were wrong you could potentially be hauled off to the Tower as punishment! History tells us that some country men would nominate people they disliked for the role, as once selected you couldn’t back out of it. Different services have separated out the once very powerful responsibilities of a High Sheriff in modern times.

What does a modern-day High Sheriff do?

The High Sheriff will welcome and accompany any Royal on a visit to their area. This year has seen our High Sheriff welcome The Princess Royal, The Duke & Duchess of Gloucester, The Duke & Duchess of Edinburgh, & Their Royal Highnesses’ the Prince & Princess of Wales – and we’re not even halfway through the year! A High Sheriff will also ensure the comfort of visiting High Court Judges. He may take them out and show them the sights of the city or just entertain them in his home. A High Sheriff will seek to support voluntary and statutory bodies in all types of Law-and-Order sectors. It can be anything from visiting a prison to working with the local Police and High Sheriff Cadets! There are many ceremonial events throughout the shrieval year, and a High Sheriff can visit at least 300 events throughout their time in office.

Is there an event you’d like to invite our Sheriff too? Let us know: contact@cleone.co.uk

Visit here to keep up-to-date with the High Sheriff.

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