Island Delight Timeline



New Home: Move to Icknield Street

Icknield street

In 1994 the company grew too big for Alma Street and moved to Icknield Street on the edge of the Jewellery Quarter. Spoiler- Icknield Street has now been home to Island Delight for 27 years. Learn more about Island Delight’s development


Island Delight Is Brought To Life

wade Lyn

Following the inception of Cleone Foods in June 1988, Island Delight manufacturing began in 1989 at Alma Street in Birmingham. Initially 5,000 patties were produced weekly and shipped mainly to small retailers in Birmingham and London. Furthermore, the expansion was rapid. Soon third party distributors and warehouses across the UK including Liverpool, Manchester and Leeds were on board with the brand.


The Beginning Of Island Delight

Campaign for Caribbean Food

In 1988, Island Delight was born thanks to Wade Lyn’s vision: bringing his favourite snack at home in Jamaica, the Jamaican Pattie, to the UK. Wade, with his natural leadership, began his campaign for more Caribbean food in the UK by starting up his own business, Cleone Foods.

#pattylife image
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